
Nilpena Ediacara National Park

Flinders Ranges and Outback

From $49.50
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Embark on a mes­meris­ing jour­ney into the past at Nilpe­na Edi­acara Nation­al Park, a liv­ing chron­i­cle of Earth­’s ear­li­est com­plex ani­mal life. This park offers an unpar­al­leled glimpse into the ori­gins of life itself, mak­ing it a must-vis­it for any his­to­ry, nature, or sci­ence enthusiast.

Nes­tled on the west­ern fringes of the Flinders Ranges, this park spans over 60,617 hectares of cap­ti­vat­ing land­scapes. Here, you’ll find your­self stand­ing on the grounds of the for­mer Nilpe­na Pas­toral Sta­tion, which bor­ders the scenic Lake Tor­rens Nation­al Park.

Enter the park by join­ing a guid­ed tour. These tours are in high demand and are best booked at least a week in advance. Tours begin at the Nilpe­na gate­way, a dra­mat­ic stone wall stand­ing as the entry point to the park.
<p>Disabled access available, contact operator for details.</p>


Coach Parking
Family Friendly
Non Smoking


From $49.50 to $82.50